Utilities / Infrastructure
Person County
Person County offers abundant infrastructure to serve industrial needs and has strong relationships with our service providers. Excess capacity and affordable rates are among the best benefits of a Person County location for advanced manufacturing.
Fiber and Telecommunications
Telecommunication services are provided by major national and regional carriers in both fiber and wireless formats. Our network also includes 52-miles of fiber crossing the county constructed by Person County government to increase high-speed internet availability to under-served areas. Person County's local network also connects with the MCNC statewide network. For additional capacity and redundancy for high-capacity business and industrial use, contact our office for other nearby access points.
Water & Sewer
The City of Roxboro is the provider with a rated capacity of 8mgd for water and 5mgd for waste water treatments. Lake Issac Walton (City Lake) and Lake Roxboro are the major sources. The chemical breakdown of the water is Iron (ppm) 0.09, Manganese (ppm) 0.005, Sodium (ppm) 25.9, Sulfate (ppm) 41.7, pH 7.5. The water treatment plant currently has excess capacity of 5mgd and the wastewater treatment plant offers up 3mgd in excess capacity. The City also has expansion plans underway for its wastewater infrastructure system, which will open up more areas for service by 2023.
Electric Power
Person County is home to two Duke Energy power generation plants, including the Roxboro Plant, which is one of the largest in their system. These two plants combined with several hundred acres of solar across the county bring Person County's power generation capacity to more than 3,000 MW. Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation (PEMC) is a second service provider for residential and industrial customers. Rates are based on usage with these general parameters: Small (50 kW & 18,000 kWh), Medium (300kW & 140,000 kWh), and Large (750 kW & 260,000 kWh).
Natural Gas
Person County has an abundant natural gas infrastruture provided by Dominion Energy. For current rates visit DominionEnergy.com.
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