GKN Driveline Celebrates 25 Years in Person County, North Carolina
April 29, 2019

Employees and community leaders joined together to laud this milestone with a contagious sentiment of wanting to see the legacy of the last two-and-a-half decades continue for another 25 years and beyond.

Since opening in January 1994, GKN Driveline has seen two expansions in Person County and has grown to be the County’s largest private sector employer. Of the nearly 700 people employed through the GKN Roxboro location, more than 60 of those employees have been there from the beginning – a testament to both the strong work ethic of Person County and the community commitment shown by GKN.

Chet Roslanowick, former VP of Operations who was an integral part of bringing GKN Driveline to Person County in the early ‘90s, recalled that the company originally had 62 site locations being considered for the manufacturing plant that ultimately landed here. “Person County was a good decision then; it’s a good decision now,” declared the now-retired executive as he addressed the large crowd assembled to honor the anniversary.

The 3-shift crews inside this beautifully-designed and maintained facility produce sufficient driveshafts for more than 14,000 vehicles of many makes and models per day.
Congratulations, GKN! We look forward to being your partner for success well into the future!
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