Small Business Symposium
February 3, 2020

On Thursday, September 20th, 10am to 2pm, local business-support organizations will co-sponsor a Small Business Symposium. The event will be held on the 2nd floor of the Kirby Cultural Arts Complex at 215 N. Main St. in Roxboro. Various individuals from all over the state will be on hand specifically to talk with business owners and entrepreneurs in our community. These wonderful advisors will share resources for how to start/maintain/grow your own business. Live Demonstrations will be given of free, publicly-accessible demographic, sales, and retail reports to guide your decisions. Advisory panels will cover the areas of: finance, technology/social media, how to write a business plan, permitting, available spaces and more. Everyone is invited to attend the Small Business Symposium and gain valuable information that can positively impact your current or future business. For more information, contact the offices of one of the organizations co-sponsoring the event: Person County Economic Development Commission, PCC Small Business Center, Roxboro Development Group, Roxboro Area Merchants Association, and Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce, or visit the Person County Economic Development website to provide feedback. Here is a list of the agencies that will be represented at the event:
- NC Rural Center
- Access NC
- Business Link North Carolina (BLNC)
- Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments
- NC Military Business Center
- The Institute – Women’s Business Center
- Carolina Small Business Development Fund
- Small Business & Technology Development Center
- Economic Development Partnership of NC
- Elon Business Law
- NC Department of Agriculture (Visit NC Farms)
- Local Regulatory Agencies
- Piedmont Community College
- Person County Economic Development Commission
- Roxboro Development Group
- Roxboro Area Merchants Association
- Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce
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