News Archive

Kerr Tar Regional Strategies for ED
September 5, 2017
-   The Kerr-Tar Planning and Development Department is extremely excited and honored to post this week to the Person County EDC Blog! The COG is proud of the strong working relationship it has with Person County officials when it comes to Economic Development. Just this past Monday, the COG hosted...

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The Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
August 28, 2017
-   What a fun opportunity to write my first blog for Person County Economic Development! The Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging (AAA) serves five counties including Person. We just completed the county’s first Aging Plan. It will be presented to Person County Commissioner’s on September 11 during...

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Collaboration with Economic Development Professionals in the Region
August 21, 2017
-   The Workforce Development Department at Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments is fortunate to have cultivated good working relationships with the Economic Development Professionals in the region, which includes EDC Directors and Community College Business & Industry Directors.  We do this in part by directing funds, made available through...

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Focusing on Regional Success
August 14, 2017
-   Prior to joining the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments (COG) in 2007, I didn’t understand or appreciate the concept of regionalism--cooperation and collaboration among towns, cities and counties that share similar economic, physical and social characteristics.  Webster’s dictionary defines a COG as “a wheel...

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The Role of Main Street in Economic Development
July 31, 2017
- In years gone by, Main Street often served as the commercial center for many small towns. Whether a farmer bringing goods and crops to market, or a banker issuing loans for the growth of homes and businesses, these downtown communities were the hub of business life.  However, with the...

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Person County GIS - ED's Necessary Ally
July 25, 2017
- Sallie Vaughn, GISP, Person County GIS Manager It has been said that Economic Development (ED) is a team sport. On this blog, we have run series about what site selectors look for in assisting new and expanding industries to choose the best locations. There have been posts about key components...

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What is the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina?
July 17, 2017
-   All states have economic development organizations, but their structures differ. Most handle economic development activity through a public agency, often under the executive branch of government. North Carolina is one of a growing number of states taking a different approach. Four years ago, the state created the Economic Development...

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Resources for Small Business and Entrepreneurs
July 13, 2017
- PCC Fall Small Business Seminars 2017 July 25 – Best Businesses to Start Right Now 6pm -9pm This seminar is designed for people who want to start a business but don’t know how to decide what type. You will get help understanding how to decide what type of business...

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Economic Development Update for July 10, 2017
July 11, 2017
-   Just after noon today, the Person County Board of Commissioners appointed 7 citizens to serve on the newly-reconstituted Person County Economic Development Commission, hereinafter referred to as EDC. The EDC includes 7 members from the community along with a representative member of the Person County Board of Commissioners for a total...

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Tourism - The Purest Form of Economic Development
July 3, 2017
- “Economic development,” in its purest form, is the process of improving the quality of life for citizens by increasing the local tax base and economic well-being of the community. Of course, this is done by fostering and promoting investment in communities, which leads to additional jobs, which results...

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